Project Take-Back Youth Basketball Tournaments:
Empowering At-Risk Youth! Project Take-Back provides a platform for at-risk youth to actively participate in basketball. Through this initiative, they engage with professional and seasoned basketball athletes, fostering a sense of purpose.

We work with Young Men Ages 18-27 Years Old and Participate in Improving their Family Dynamics.

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Your donation is tax-deductable and appreciated.
About Urban Youth COnservation
Mission Statement:
The Mission: Urban Youth Conservation exists to save and transform the lives of urban youth.
Vision Statement:
Our Vision: Youth will have organized their own pathways to possibility and facilitate partnerships that increase their life chances with each coming generation. Urban Youth Conservation (UYC) is a tax-exempt not-for-profit organization that provides the community with a complete youth intervention and enhancement program. UYC continues to be the premier provider of youth life skills, mental and physical development, citizen programs and seeks to make this experience available for all interested participants.
"UYC is organized and founded by men who spent much of their early lives as members of gangs."
These men escaped that violent and unforgiving lifestyle and now share a calling to reclaim their community by undoing the patterns of gang violence that have remained strong in Minneapolis. UYC is uniquely positioned to reach gang-involved, high-risk youth because they have walked in their shoes and can walk alongside them as they follow the path to more positive and constructive roles in their communities.
What makes UYC Different?
Credibility, Visibility, Accountability.
Urban Youth Conservation has been working behind the scenes for more than a century making it a point to connect & network with the services and
resources that work for everyone.
Credibility –
– Urban Youth Conservation founder, Ferome Brown’s greatest drawing power to urban youth is his street credibility aka “street cred”. Brown is known as “BIG ROME”, and is readily recognized by kids in the community, as he brings a no-nonsense approach, while maintaining a “keep it 100” attitude. (A term used on the streets that means to keep yourself real, true, honest, and stick to who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks) This attitude garners their trust, which allows them to confide in and be real with Brown at all times. This speaks volumes and aids in the prevention of gang violence.
Visibility –
– UYC has been a mainstay within the Northside community for many years. We do not hide, we are visible, active, and gangs recognize who we are. Residing within the community allows us to be a direct resource and readily accessible for timely interventions, which is paramount, as it allows UYC in most instances to successfully mediate conflict. Our success rate for such mediations is what makes us viable, respected and valued within the community. Most often gang members will see a UYC staff member on the street and will want to confide, vent, or simply talk, which is crucial to keeping the lines of communication open at all times.
Accountability –
– Urban Youth Conservation takes accountability extremely serious. Each youth understands that we do not make excuses for them, nor do we expect them to make excuses for themselves. We understand the conditions they face each day seem insurmountable, but we feel by establishing a sustainable and vigorous engagement strategy, these youth can rise above their circumstances while building critical skills for life success. Our role as change agents is to help guide and lead each youth as they commit to making a positive shift. UYC will STAY with them through the process.
Our Commitment –
– Without continual growth, progress and development words such as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Urban Youth Conservation is committed to each youth’s individual growth and development. We are determined to help restore their confidence, give them a sense of belonging and a will to live while developing an ongoing plan that will cause a significant structural shift in the possible trajectory line for inner-city youth as a whole. Some may call this too ambitious, and others may say it is impossible, but we say it is necessary and the time is now. This has been and always will be UYC’s commitment.

UYC is a tax-exempt non-profit organization that provides the community with a complete youth intervention as well as enhancement programs. UYC continues to be the premier provider of youth life skills, mental and physical development with citizen programs and seeks to make this experience available for all interested participants.
In the News Currently:
2023 GVI Vanguard Award Honorees:
UYC President Ferome Brown was nominated for the GVI Vanguard 2023 Awards for going Beyond the Call of Duty! Read More and See the Video!

Michelle A. Brown-Williams "Lady Bug"
Speaking at the NDSU Campus.
Well said Sister! Wearing your 8:46 George Floyd T-Shirt! Get Yours Here!
• Stops violence and educates youth about gang involvement and it’s consequences.
• Empowers at-risk youth through mental and physical development.
• Provides youth with opportunities to develop talents and meet goals.
• Mediates escalating situations between gangs.
• Mentors youth who want to leave gang life
• Provides educational and career counseling and assists in the job search.

Our Store is now ready for orders! We greatly appreciate your patronage in support of UYC!
Click here to go to the store!

Services & Resources we offer.
Mediation Between Gangs and Cliques
Mediation is conducted Thursday through Sunday at various hotspots in the Twin Cities. Down talks are facilitated and
resolutions are reached. Mediation is conducted as-needed as conflict arises and staff is on call for Mediation.
Intervention Program
The intervention Program uses a curriculum designed by UYC in order to help at-risk youth who’d like to make positive change in their lives. There are three simple steps
1.) Identify the problem, 2.) Create a solution,
3.) Design a pathway to success.
Donate to Urban Youth Conservation
Donate to our cause to help us build a better future for at-risk youth while increasing peace in the community.
Urban Youth Conservation ● 3300 County Road 10, Minneapolis, MN 55429, Suite 500a ● (769) 205-6954
[email protected]